In the heart of the Fermanagh Lakelands, the state-of-the-art dental training facility at The L.S. Browne Centre, was the idyllic setting for the highly anticipated “Systemising Artistry” course, delivered recently by Martin Wanendeya. The prospect of Martin's expertise, coupled with the precision of GuidedSMILE, and the whispers of a new, enhanced FP1 offering to be unveiled at the event, ensured that this course was in huge demand. With top full arch dentists from across the UK and Ireland vying for a ticket, aiming to remain at the very forefront of cutting edge FP1 developments, and further enhance their skills, the course sold out quickly, with a waiting list forming even before it was publicly announced.
“The course has been brilliant. Martin’s someone who I’ve wanted to listen to for a long time and he’s living up to all the expectations I had for him. Amazing!
The takeaways are the longer term aesthetics and how Martin is achieving those with the CHROME system, and the protocols and procedures he's putting in place to get those longer term aesthetics from the FP1 cases, which we know are difficult cases.”
Aiming to impart critical skills and insights into the GuidedSMILE Natural system for FP1 cases, the “Systemising Artistry” course was packed with valuable learnings for implant dentists. It delved deeply into the comprehensive process of planning, implementing, and executing FP1 cases with the precision that this treatment pathway facilitates. Delegates learned the principles of the GuidedSMILE system for FP1 cases and mastered the step-by-step process of planning a case using this protocol. They also benefited from a deeper understanding of the team work these cases require between clinician and our skilled technical team, and the benefits this offers in terms of treatment success. He also demonstrated the intricacies of fabricating a provisional bridge within the GuidedSMILE framework, ensuring that participants left with a thorough understanding of the entire workflow.
Quoris3D’s CEO and GuidedSMILE’s European Director, James Hamill, shared his thoughts on the collaboration with Martin Wanendeya:
“It is fantastic to work alongside Martin on delivering this advanced GuidedSMILE training. The meeting of his inspiring clinical expertise with our team’s technical experience and skill is another mark of GuidedSMILE’s world-leading position in the guided surgery market. Together with our GuidedSMILE partners in the United States, we have been working with Martin to further develop GuidedSMILE Natural, our global brand’s FP1 offering. This development project focuses on bone reduction, guide redesign, systemising the FP1 workflow, and enhancing aesthetics, all of which will allow implant dentists to enhance their FP1 full arch systems and restorations more predictably and consistently.”
This GuidedSMILE FP1 development project helped shape the content of the Systemising Artistry course, with attendees becoming the very first in the industry to see the results of the months' long, trans-Atlantic collaboration. The aim was to further enhance GuidedSMILE’s FP1 offering, GuidedSMILE Natural, and has resulted in changes to prosthesis design, case planning and osteotomy preparation, all of which provide improvements to the aesthetics, achieve maximum prosthetic strength, a greater degree of precision, and make the surgery more predictable and systematic for the surgeon.
The new developments, and the course itself, were met with enthusiastic praise from those who attended. Delegates appreciated the combination of the enhanced GuidedSMILE Natural protocol, the excellent facilities at The L.S. Browne Centre and Martin Wanendeya’s engaging and detailed teaching style, as Phil Friel, commented,
“The course has been very enjoyable. It’s always an excellent set up here: very well organized, it’s a great facility. And I think the combination of that set up together with a speaker of Martin’s calibre, who is very engaging, you could listen to Martin all day! And I think his attention to detail, married together with the precision of the CHROME system for FP1, which is a very, very precise and demanding protocol, I think is a great match.”
Following the resounding success of the first “Systemising Artistry” course by Martin Wanendeya, a second course has now been added to the calendar, for November 9th, and is certain to sell out just as quickly as the first. GuidedSMILE President, Alan Banks, outlines what delegates can expect from the upcoming course:
For those implant dentists aiming to deliver improved long term aesthetics, elevate their full arch treatments and remain at the fore of innovative developments and cutting edge techniques, with the guidance of industry leaders at the top of their game, this is a course not to be missed. COURSE BOOKING LINK.